Délégation luxembourgeoise auprès de la Conférence interparlementaire sur la stabilité, la gouvernance économique et la gouvernance au sein de l'Union européenne (SCEG)

The creation of the Interparliamentary Conference on stability, economic coordination and governance in the European Union (SECG) has its origins in Article 13 of the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and monetary union (TSCG), which came into force on 1st January 2013. The first meeting of the Interparliamentary Conference on Economic and Financial Governance of the European Union took place on 16 October 2013.

The TSCG stresses the need for signatory countries to coordinate their fiscal policy (Articles 9 and 10). In accordance with Article 13 of the TSCG, the Conference enables national parliaments to debate fiscal policies and other issues covered by the Treaty.

The Interparliamentary SECG is a reference framework for debate and the exchange of information and good practice for the implementation of the Treaty’s provisions, in order to reinforce cooperation between national parliaments and the European Parliament and help ensure democratic responsibility in the field of EU economic governance and fiscal policies, particularly the European Monetary Union (EMU), taking into account the social aspect and without prejudice to the competences of the EU parliaments.

Members meet twice a year, in the first half of the year at the European Parliament and in the second half, in the Member State holding the rotating presidency.

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