European information on the internet

A suggestion of essential resources on the internet to guide you through the world of European institutions and Community current affairs.


The European Union portal ‘Europa’, is aimed at increasing the transparency of the European institutions. It is aimed at any individual who wants to find out about the activities of the European Union. It provides access to the websites of the Union’s institutions and bodies and to Community legislative documents. Other suggested links also provide internet users with better guidance through the complex processes of European integration.



European elections in Luxembourg

Financial bodies:

Consultative bodies:

Community law

Main sources of access to Community legislative documents:

  • PreLex : database which enables users to follow the main stages of the decision-making process between the Commission and the other institutions
  • EUR-Lex : direct and free-of-charge access to European law and allows users to consult the Official Journal of the European Union.
  • Legislative Observatory of the European Parliament - OEIL : allows users to follow the work of the parliamentary committees and to search for legislative documents

IPEX: the website of the national parliaments follows the numbering of PreLex, adding the documents published by the national parliaments

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