Funding of political parties
By the act of 21 December 2007 (as modified in 2011 and in 2016) on the funding of political parties, the law makes provision for various means to secure financial resources required for the activities of political parties and to thus ensure absolute transparency in the funding of political parties, equal opportunities and the right to political groupings, the independence of political parties and the absence of any conflict of interest.
Pursuant to Article 6 of the above-mentioned act, the various political parties submitted the following documents:
- their statutes
- a list of their leaders at national level
- a list of their donors and donations obtained (in accordance with Article 9)
- their accounts and balance sheets (in accordance with Article 14).
In addition, Article 16 states that the Court of Auditors shall draft a report for each financial year on the compliance by the various political parties with the provisions set out by the act in question.
N.B. This data may also be freely consulted by any interested party at the parliamentary administration.
As of the financial year 2012, the Chamber of Deputies has only published accounts and balance sheets: